Boys who rape (should be destroyed). Definitely. D'you want me to sign it? Here we go.
Nejen titul této skladby zvládli Raveonettes, ne-li uspokojivě, tak přidejme: výtečně. Kind of.
Nejen titul této skladby zvládli Raveonettes, ne-li uspokojivě, tak přidejme: výtečně. Kind of.
O co jde: 3rd není tak dobré jako 2nd - cause it's not so catchy - v jiném ohledu o to zas až tak nejde. Hm. Honza Kulig, kdyby věděl, kde leží Norsko/Bergen, popsal by to zřejmě tak: "Kytary? Akustický? Španělky? Dneska? Vo co de? Dyť jsou tady Placebo. Mnohem lepší. A mamky na Briana letěj. Nebrat."
2nd > (1st > 3rd) > quoi.
Sort of .. ale ta první položka díky své kvalitě poletuje někde daleko za obzorem.
Přemýšlel jsem nad tím, jak bych teď sestavil compilation, nazvanou nějak invenčně třeba jako Best Of nebo to druhý exponovaný pojmenování, nedělat z toho sbírku chytlavosti, spíš proud Kuligových španělek, jemných poloh a výrazů.
Co ale catchy je: Me In You, Rule My World & Peacetime Resistance. Čekám na potvrzení domnívané textové stránky věci, ale už teď se mi zdá spojení peacetime resistance extraordinérní a hodné zvěčnění, kamkoli, na obálky modrých sešitů na přírodovědné předměty speciálně.
Zajímal by mě sociologický profil lidí, co jsou tuned into: really tuned into, for almost 10 years, for people who try to get through Erlend's glasses, for people who desperately want to speak with 'em via norwegian, in their native language, for people who usually go to sleep with earplugs with this riot on an empty street on, still lookin forward to doing something that's always almost impossible to get and yet, they haven't given it up for this, say, 10 years, for people who listen and think about what they listen to, for people who think that feeling lost doesn't immediately kill you, for people who gotta be twiddling when their hero/heroine come along, for people who want to live somewhere who they don't know anybody, for people who think that facebook sucks, for people who are as egoistic as fuck, still they have some place in them for someone who they think should know them better, for people who are seem to be outsiders all the time on high-school, for people who usually wake up with that completely depressing feeling of action, for people who think french can save their life, for people who are deeply green in, for people who are sure that music can change, save, improve and fuck up your poor life, for ever n ever, for everybody who doesn't belong to the main crowd n stream, for people who always hope that it all works out someday, for those who are fuckin unactive and they know they shouldn't be, for those who can see n feel n see that ordinary life n are afraid of that scene, for those who are carrying their own freedom always with them, for all those hopeless weirdos in da world with fuckin sense of humour nobody are about to catch .. yeah, Erlend's here, just for you, my dear. Make yourself clear.
Tak. Make yourself clear.
Please, rule my world. It may make my whatever-look disappear. I wanna feel this positive tension in me.